Automatic Signatory Reminders

Using Mako’s automatic reminders features, advisors can enable reminders to be sent on an automatic schedule for any signatory. Owners of an organization can set up a custom schedule for automatic reminders, choosing to send one reminder, recurring reminders or using the reminder schedule to notify other signatories, such as advisors or compliance officers, of inactivity on their responses.


  • About
  • Setting up reminder schedules
  • Recurring reminders (eg. every 3 days)
  • Non-recurring reminders (eg. send reminders after 3 days, 7 days and 14 days)
  • Notifying other signatories of inactivity (eg. Send a notification to the advisor after the investor has not signed for 5 days)
  • Using reminders in workflows some text
    • Launching a workflow with automated reminders
    • Viewing scheduled reminders for active responses

Using Mako’s automatic reminders features, advisors can enable reminders to be sent on an automatic schedule for any signatory. Owners of an organization can set up a custom schedule for automatic reminders, choosing to send one reminder, recurring reminders or using the reminder schedule to notify other signatories, such as advisors or compliance officers, of inactivity on their responses.

To use automated reminders on your domain, an owner of your organization must enable them in the workflow settings page and create a default reminder schedule.

Setting Up Reminder Schedules

Follow the instructions below to set up a default reminder schedule for your organization

Recurring reminders

  • Navigate to the workflow settings tab under settings

You must be an organization owner to access this page

  • Click “New Reminder” to start setting up your organization's reminder schedulesome text
    • The default reminder schedule is to send a first reminder after 7 days of inactivity and then recurring reminders every 3 days.
    • You can edit either of these numbers to change the number of days before the first reminder and the number of days between recurring reminders

  • Click “save” to save your reminder schedule and repeats these steps for any other workflows you want to enable automatic reminders for

Non-recurring reminders

If you want a more catered reminder schedule, you can set up one reminder or a series of reminders to be sent after different periods of inactivity.

  • De-select “Recurring reminders” to change this reminder to only send once

  • Edit the number of days you want to wait before sending the first reminder to an inactive signatory
  • To add a second reminder, click “New reminder” and repeat steps 1 and 2 to specify how many days you want to wait before sending the second reminder

In this example, a signatory will receive a reminder 3 days after receiving the workflow to sign and then a second reminder 10 days after they received the workflow to sign

  • Click “save” to save your reminder schedule and repeat these steps for any other workflows you want to enable automatic reminders for

Sending a reminder to a different signatory 

If additional follow-up steps are required after a longer period of inactivity, you may choose to notify a different signatory, such as the advisor or compliance officer. This process can be automated through your reminder schedule.

  • Click “New reminder” to start setting up a reminder that will be sent to an alternative signatory
  • Edit the “number of days before reminder” input to choose when you want to send the notification
  • Next, click “Advanced settings” to edit who the reminder should be sent tosome text
    • The default setting is “Current signatory” meaning that the reminder will be set to the signatory who has the “sent” status and has not signed in x days
  • To notify an alternative signatory open the “Send reminder to” drop-down and select the signatory you want to notify of inactivity

You should only select internal signatories in this drop-down

  • Repeat steps 1 - 4 if you want to send additional reminders to the internal signatory or check “recurring reminders” to set them up automatically

In this example, after a signatory receives the workflow to sign in their email, they will receive a reminder 3 days after, and a second reminder 7 days after they received the signing link. After 14 days of inactivity, a reminder will be sent to the PM signatory of the workflow so that they may take additional action if required.

  • Click “Save” to save changes and repeat steps on any other workflow you want to enable reminders on

Using reminders in workflows

After an owner has enabled automatic reminders on your domain, when launching a workflow, you can choose to enable automatic reminders for each signatory in a workflow

Enabling automated reminders when launching a workflow

  • To turn on automatic reminders for a signatory, navigate to the signatory in the Start workflow page
  • Switch the toggle labelled “Send automatic reminders
  • You can see when the signatory will be sent reminders by clicking “Reminder schedule

This will use the reminder schedule that has been set up by your organization's owner

Viewing upcoming reminders for active responses

To view upcoming reminders for active signatories:

  • Navigate to a response from the responses page
  • If the current signatory has reminders enabled, a tag with the number of days until the next reminder will appear on the signatory
  • To view more upcoming reminders click on the tag, or click on the three dots on the signatory and select “Reminder schedule” some text
    • This will list the next three reminders that will be sent, including the scheduled date and who the reminder will be sent to 
  • To cancel reminders for this signatory, click “Cancel reminders” in this modal and no further reminders will be sent