Setting Up a Mako Client Subdomain

You can set up a custom subdomain for clients in your network accessing the Mako platform. A custom domain allows your clients to log in from a URL related to your business. So instead of, your clients would log in from a page like where is your website.

There are four steps involved to set up a Mako client domain:

  • Getting Started 
  • Choosing Your Domain
  • Setting up Your DNS Records
  • Adding CNAME Records

Step 1: Getting Started  

Before you start, make sure you have an account set up on Mako, and access to the DNS settings of your domain (If you don’t know what this is, contact your webmaster/IT admin). 

Step 2: Choosing Your Domain

From the Main Menu, select the Settings tab from the left-hand sidebar, then click on the Organization tab.

Now go to the Customization and the Customized Domain section.

Enter the full Domain Name that you would like to connect. For example, if you were a fund with the website "", you could enter "" and hit the SAVE button. 

This will trigger a process on Mako’s side that can take up to 24 hours (but often much shorter) to take effect. Once this process is completed, you will get an email with the information necessary for completing Step 2. 

Note: In this example you would need to have access to the DNS for

Step 3: Setting Up Your DNS Records

The email you received after completing Step 1 should contain information for two CNAME records that you will need to add to your DNS as shown in the example below.

After you have added these CNAME records, you will need to wait for the DNS settings to propagate, which could take up to 24 hours. The Mako system will notify you once the process is done and your domain is completely set up. 

Note: Please don’t visit the new domain until the process is completed. This will result in the site and DNS settings being cached on your network, which will prevent you from seeing the page until your cache expires. 

Step 4: Adding CNAME Records

Adding CNAME records is simple, here are some guides for how to do it for some popular domain registrars: